A happy and healthy home is a green home, and the same goes for your cleaning supplies. If you use nasty chemicals for cleaning at home you could be putting the health of your family at risk. In this article your house cleaning Bristol based experts Eco Cleaning will advise you on how to ensure that your home really is a green one.
If you use the services of house cleaning Bristol experts, all products used in cleaning will be eco friendly. This makes for a green home. But, you will still have your own products that you use in the home in-between cleans. Take a look under your kitchen sink and for sure you will find chemical cleaners and a bottle of bleach. Both of these need to be banished from your home.
House Cleaning Bristol : Getting Rid of Harmful Chemicals
If you use bleach for cleaning, you will know all too well how it irritates your eyes and airways. Now imagine how bleach will affect your baby, elderly relative, or your household pets that are constantly on the floor that you may mop with bleach. No home needs bleach, and if you store it, you are putting your family at risk.
Chemical cleaners are also very dangerous. You may think that there is no way to get your oven clean without chemicals, or your ceramic hob. But, you would be wrong. There are plenty of natural alternatives available, many that you can make from your own household materials that will do the same job that chemical cleaners do.
A green home is one that uses only natural cleaning products, but also takes further steps to ensure it really is eco-friendly. Asides your cleaning equipment, take a look at your washing powder, your hair and skin products, and anything else you may have in an aerosol can.
Energy Efficient Homes
Green homes need to be not just free from chemical cleaners, but also energy efficient. Your new electrical appliances should have energy ratings on them, as will your actual home. Running old fashioned appliances take a lot more energy, and will produce elevated electric bills. Where at all possible, start to replace your appliances. One thing you can replace straight away if you haven’t yet are your light bulbs. Energy-saving light bulbs are widely available in all stores.
These are just a few tips on turning your house into a green home. When you call on the services of your house cleaning Bristol team, we can provide you with more tips as well as green cleaning recipes. We love to share our knowledge with you and love to spread our news. With just a few household ingredients, you can keep your house clean until our next visit, without harming the environment. If you still have chemicals and bleach stored under your sink, it’s time to make a change. Call us today to arrange your first domestic cleaning visit, and to learn what you can do to make your home eco-friendly.